Sunday, August 3, 2008

Moraga Mosaic Staircase and Grandview Park

Mosaic Stairs: 16th Ave x Moraga, San Francisco, CA
Grandview Park: 14th Ave, San Francisco, CA

Revisited Moraga mosaic stairway today. It's still foggy and windy but not as cold as last time we visited. Took a few close-up shots of the beautiful mosaic artwork. It gives me a feeling of stairway to heaven. We went all the way up to the top and found anther staircase. That one leads to Grandview park. It's super foggy and windy up there. The trees are huge. The soil is sandy and it's said to be one of the last habitat for two endangered plants -- Franciscan Wallflower and Dune Tansy.

(Click on photo for larger image)

Plants along the staircase

A plague of honor for people who contributed to decorating the stairway

View from the top of the stairway. The end of the road lead to Pacific Ocean.
Further up the hill is the Grandview Park -- a typographical remnant of 140 million year old rock.

Another steep stairway which lead to the top of the park.

The trees are very huge. It's very windy and foggy up there.

View of Sunset district from Grandview Park.

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